We want to join you on your food allergy journey.
request the allergenis peanut diagnostic without leaving your home.
Requesting the Allergenis peanut diagnostic online allows you to learn more about your food allergy without an office visit.
Telemedicine providers may have additional requirements for eligibility based on age range.
Telemedicine providers may ask you to fill out a questionnaire, or have an online consultation or phone call*
If the Allergenis peanut diagnostic is right for you, the collection kit will be ordered and shipped right to your door.
See if testing is available in your location:
Available now at an allergists office near you:
Prefer to order through your own healthcare provider?
Download a discussion guide to help start a conversation.
Get in touch with allergenis.
C/O: Lankenau Institute for Medical Research
100 East Lancaster Avenue
Wynnewood, PA 19096