nice to
meet you.
we’re allergenis.
nice to
meet you.
we’re allergenis.
Our test provides unparalleled precision and resolution because it analyzes eptiopes, which are small sub-components of proteins. Epitopes have been studied since the 1990’s and there have been numerous articles published specifically on the use of epitopes and how they relate to allergies. Focusing on the epitopes instead of the whole protein enables us to bring the most accurate, highly validated laboratory developed test to market that we could.
We have been validating our test for years on multiple cohorts (groups of patient samples), and included ONLY the cohorts that had a confirmed oral food challenge. Allergenis currently holds the largest repository of peanut allergy oral food challenge confirmed cases in the world.
We know science like you know your self, in that confident, without a shadow of a doubt kinda way.
We dig deeper to answer the difficult questions that parents, individuals, and providers don’t have insight in to today.
WE’RE also obsessed with providing more. more answers. more accuracy. more confidence.
The science behind allergenis is decades in the making.
We provide your allergy status and if allergic, your epitope reactivity level. This information can inform you and your provider how much peanut protein is likely to cause a reaction.
*When clinically utilizing SPT and sIgE as rule in/rule out. The test has 90% concordance with OFC when sIgE is excluded.
We go past that initial sigh of relief and into the “what now” because lets be honest, sometimes when we find ourselves in a life with less limitations, we need a little guidance on how to move forward. We’ve got that covered. Our report results can provide insight to your current allergist (or we can connect you with a telemedicine provider) to discuss what the best next steps are for you or your child such as strict avoidance, immunotherapy, and/or reintroduction of foods (if possible) into your families diet safely, sometimes one piece of a nut at a time.